Monday, February 25, 2019

4 Signs of a Good Shop Sign

4 Signs of a Good Shop Sign

There are so many things you need to think about when opening and running a high street business; what’s your business name; where are you situated; how can you bring in more custom; is your branding strong enough; is your marketing effective; do you need to do more? And whilst many of these problems need to be trialled to determine if something needs to be changed, it’s always useful to get a helping hand. So in this article, we’re going to look at the key components of a good shop sign and what you need to think about when reassessing, updating or creating yours.

Clear logo

Irrelevant of the type of sign, you need your logo on it. Signage is great for drawing customers in and in order to do that, you need to tell them who you are. A clear and easily identifiable logo is the key to this and will go a long way to establishing you alongside other high street kings.

If you’re unsure how to go about this, take a look at your competitors. If you’re mounting a sign on the wall above your shop front, maybe keep it simple. If you’re creating a chalkboard sign for your forecourt area, then think about how good your drawing skills are.

Easy to read

Not all signs need text, but if you’re going to include text then make sure it’s legible. Choose a font that’s easy to read and avoid ones that are difficult to understand.

You also need to think about exactly what information you are going to include, how big or small it will be and whether it will crowd the signage. At first, it may seem an easy thing to decide but once you get into the nitty gritty of signage design, there is so much to consider;
Do you advertise a special offer?
Do you include your slogan?
Do you include your website?
Where do you put your social links?
Is all the necessary information included?
The only way to be completely sure on your signage design is to test out a variety of different options. Hiring a designer can often make this easier as they will be able to apply the skills and knowhow to create something that is both aesthetically pleasing yet useful. And they’ll also be able to provide you with advice as well.

Correct colours

Good branding is one of the most important components of a good sign. If you’re branding isn’t consistent or isn’t right, it won’t matter what else you’ve done, the sign won’t work. Whilst there are a number of different elements in branding, something you definitely need to get right is colours.
Ensure you colours match your logo, compliment your company name and don’t overwhelm your sign.

Good placement

Once you’ve managed to get the fundamentals right with your sign, you now need to think about placement. Good placement is what will ensure your sign has the maximum amount of impact and drive custom. You could create the best sign in the world but if it’s tucked down a dark alley where no-one can see it, it’s not going to be very effective.